It’s been a month I realize….and after many requests about what is going on in our life here are all your answers. You have to understand Kyle is of the thought that no one cares….apparently you all do. (Pregnancy update to come)
Mid November I found out I was getting laid off. My last day was November 13th, and I have to say while it was sad to leave and for it finally to be my turn in the world of layoffs, it was a sigh of relief! No more stress, worry about when was it my turn, pretending to look busy with really nothing to do….ah, it was over. The same day I found out a former co-worker of mine, who I had worked very closely with for 4 years, had committed suicide. I’ve never had anyone close take their life and it hit hard! I just couldn’t get it together! We were also under contract on a house and had been through the inspection process and we had to walk away. It was a rough day.
After my last day of work, I took the following two weeks for myself. It had been a long stressful ride in the last year and a half at work, so I thought it was time for me to de-stress. I had a couple massages, lunched with friends, baked for Thanksgiving and had a great time. It’s amazing how my days fill up!
Thanksgiving is my all time favorite holiday! This year the Broncos played on Thanksgiving night. To include Kyle on some eating festivities, we had a big breakfast of which Kyle decided the menu: Biscuits and Gravy, eggs, and fruit. It was awesome. Kyle left for work around noon and My mom, Kel, Dan and I made a Thanksgiving meal to eat before we left for the game. We had field passes and it was so much fun. The players were really pumped up, hoping for a win after a miserable loss, and win we did!
Friday morning we packed up and headed to Aspen, our traditional place to celebrate Thanksgiving. We did Thanksgiving all over again on Friday, it was delicious! I’m the only skier in the group and being with child that is on the list of “can’t do activities”. This is only the third season I’ve missed in my life…until next season!
December 1st was a big kick off to the job search for me. I have to admit I wasn’t motivated, and started on Dec 2nd. I’m motivated on some levels, buying a house, getting a nursery ready, having space for friends and family to visit, but the real struggle is what to do for a career? I’ve been in design for 8 years and had three layoffs. It’s such a rollercoaster ride and I’m ready for a change! What I really want to do, plan weddings for the rest of my life. But, for now that’s doesn’t bring in the money, so I’m looking for something else. The great part is that I’m really up for anything, a new adventure. As of today, I have applied to numerous jobs and am pretty excited about them. There’s a lot of crap out there right now, but I have heard and believe that as of the first of the year, there are going to be a ton of jobs opening up. Let’s hope for that!
As for the Christmas, there are going to be many celebrations this year. Christmas falls on a Friday, and Kyle will likely have a delayed schedule so we’ll be able to celebrate in the morning and then he’ll go to work. In my family, Christmas morning is when we do our celebrating with breakfast. This year we’ll have my mom’s youngest brother and family, Mom, Kel, Dan and us and maybe a few football friends. We are also celebrating with my Dad and his wife a few days before Christmas, Andrew two days before and my grandma after the New Year. It’s an unusual year, but will be fun!
That’s the latest on us…