We kicked off the weekend with a chilly night at the Rockies game. My rep and friend Kenley and his wife Emily invited us to go to the game with them. We grabbed dinner at Falling Rock and then headed to the game. Kenley keeps the drinks coming and sadly, it kept me warm. It was a fun night as baseball comes to an end. They are leaving for an African Safari in a couple of weeks. We can't wait to hear about it and see their pictures. I think we're going to switch itineraries with them...they want to do our honeymoon trip!
Saturday seemed somewhat normal, running errands, goofing around...like it wasn't the middle of the season. Jaime's big 31 is tomorrow, so we celebrated Saturday night. Andrew had a bunch of friends over for a party. We grilled out, grilling season is almost over, played games, watched football and SNL. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAIME!!!!
I am off to Orlando with Amber tomorrow morning. She invited me to be her guest on a trip she won at work. I am so excited! We are spending 5 days at Disney, playing at the parks and laying pool side! After her recent accident, we are taking it slow. No matter what transportation it is...crutches, rolly thing or wheelchair, we are going to play like kids! It is more like Deja vu being at Disney with someone in a wheelchair....last time it was me after running the Disney marathon. Another thanks to Kel for pushing me around for two days!
I will sadly leave Kyle home on a home weekend. Here's to another W!!!!