Thursday, January 29, 2009
XGames 2009
While he was working from 8am to 10pm all week and weekend, Kel Dan and I played. We ate, drank and played a lot of games. Kyle got us media passes so we could access areas of the games that "common folk" couldn't. It was nice, up close and personal. The events get better each year. The guys that ride snowcross are crazy!!! For the first time in history, a guy did a double back flip on his sled....NUTS!!! I thought for sure there would be a death, he lived and I'm sure will do it again. I can't wait for next year!
Monday, January 19, 2009
The National Western Stock Show and Rodeo
Oh how I LOVE the rodeo!!!! I don’t even know how it all started, but I’m guessing it had something to do with my Dad growing up in
For those who haven’t been to a stock show or rodeo, it’s not like a state fair…..these are professionals cowboys cowgirls. It’s what they do for a living, raise animals and/or ride them.
As kids, we would usually get our of school a little early, which was a rare occurrence, meet the Hogansons and hit the highway. We parked in the same parking lot, ate at the same dining hall/cafeteria, got a new cowgirl hat topped with a feather and sat in the same seats, EVERY year. After my parents divorced, my mom checked out of that duty, but I enjoyed going, so I’d gather a group of friends and go.
This year was about the same, Jaime and Andrew, Kel and Dan and Kyle and I all went. We met at will call, and started through the rows of farm equipment, animal feeders, random stuff people sell and finally to the cows. A cow, people don’t think of this animal as pretty, but when you see the ones at the stock show….they are pretty. They are washed up, combed, hair sprayed and lookin’ good. All kinds of cows, you name it, and they are there. We walked through the petting area for kids…always fun. There are all sorts of animals for sale, bunnies, chickens, turkeys, pigs, cows, guinea pigs, horses, etc.
We stopped at our typical dining hall for dinner, and headed to the rodeo. It was so much fun, bareback to saddle bronc riding, calf roping to barrel racing, mutton’ bustin to monkeys riding on dogs (random). It was so much fun! Until next year…
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm thankfully empolyed
Yesterday was a hard day at my office. We had the 4th round of inevitable layoffs. I figured they would be this week, but you're never really ready for it. Two were a bit of a shock and the other two I have to say, I'm surprised they lasted this long. No matter how you look at it, it’s unfortunate.
Along with 4 more people gone, we are taking a 20% pay cut and still working full time. A hard concept but I'm not about to question it, I'm thankful to have a job.
These are hard times for many people and our country. Our generation hasn't ever seen this kind of depression. It is something to learn from and be thankful for what we have. I pray this economic situation turns soon and financing is available. Without financing I soon may be without a job. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts, I needed them!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Nuggets and basketball
I have a renewed love for basketball. Kyle got tickets to the Nuggets game last night, thanks to the Broncos. I hadn't been to a Nugs game in a couple of years, and it was so much fun. They are entertaining to watch, always moving around, attitudes all over the floor, and of course the prominent showing of tattoos.
Back in the day, I went to all BB games in high school. I loved it then and concluded last night I still love it!
Monday, January 5, 2009
The end of 2008 and beginning of 2009
Happy New Year!!!! We had quite a few fun filled days in the past week. After the flurry of Christmas, we gathered ourselves and got ready for Rich and Penny to come to town. Kyle and I were really excited about it, especially after we knew we would be able to go to
Their plans got a little jumbled and they arrive nearly 7 hours early. I had dinner plans with Erin, who was in town for 24 hours and Jaime. Afterward, I met up with Kyle, Rich and Penny at the Cricket, one of our favorite spots to take guests. Tuesday brought a whirlwind tour of the metro area. First I took them to my favorite breakfast/brunch spot, Lucille's. With full bellies, we headed to Golden for a tour at Coors, and annoyed, they were closed for the holidays.....grrrrr. Nonetheless, we took some pictures to at least look like we toured. I drove them up
In-between all of the downtown stops, I got a text from Kyle...."Something big is going to happen today, I'm not sure when I'll be home...." That had me worried because the last time I receive a text like that, 7 people were laid off. So I responded "with the players or you?" He didn't know. Not more than 20 minutes later, another text said "SHANAHAN GOT FIRED!" I nearly fell off my chair. Another 20 minutes passed and it was on ESPN at Illegal Pete’s. News travels fast I guess. All is well in our world. This change will mainly affect the football side of the organization, not staff.
Wednesday we laid low, ran a few errands until Kyle was off after the big press conference. All of our bags were packed and ready to hit the road to
Thursday, what a day......lets see, how do I explain this. The set up: Rich - skied a few times and smack talked all week, Penny - skied a couple of times, Kyle - skied a couple of times, Me - skied my entire life. That being said, we headed out all bundled up and hopped the bus to Snowmass. The emotions and feelings: excited, nervous, stressed, frustrated, pain, more pain, hunger, scared, calmed, fun. We experience them all. Kyle called it a day about lunch time, and the three of us stayed for a few more runs. As usual, Rich was all talk about how I was going to only see his back side all day....blah, blah, blah. The details, it didn't happen. While Penny took a break, Rich and I went on an "intermediate" run at his request. He nearly peed himself, swearing, falling and Hell NO I'M NOT GOING DOWN THAT ONE, the entire way down the hill. It was hilarious! The end: We ate dinner relatively early, and crashed about 9:30.Friday we showed the newly engaged couple
It was a week filled with lots of laughter, competition, drinks, good eats, car rides, smack talk, reality of loosing, excitement of an engagement and time with great friends. I can't wait until next time!