Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Baseball is so much better at a stadium
Monday, April 27, 2009
It's baby season!
It has been an exciting 10 days in the life of friends….5 new babies and 1 adoption finalized.
Congrats to….
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Welcome Karlyle Jean Gresham!!!!
All my love, hugs and congrats to the Greshams!!! Two girls hopefully means there will be at least one more ;)
Dear Abby,
Being a big sister is so much fun. You get to show her how to do everything you know, play with her like she is a doll, and occasionally boss her around. The best part is as you get older, your love for her will grow and you can double date to high school dances, and then raise your families together. Your mom always wanted a sister, and I'm so happy that you have one!
All my love little miss!
Auntie Meg
There were a few things we had planned for the week. First, each person/couple was taking one night to making dinner for the group. Second, we had to celebrate my Dad’s 60th birthday…after all that is the reason we were there.
My Dad is from New Mexico and they do Mexican food their way. One of the most noticeable items is enchiladas. They are flat instead of rolled like you see at restaurants. You stack your ingredients: tortilla, chili, cheese, lettuce and continue with as many layers as you want. It is topped with a fried over-easy egg on top. They are awesome! We learned how to make these from my grandma, and knew it would be the perfect dinner for my Dad. They were a hit…it made my Dad’s day!
Wednesday we decided to explore the other side of the island. Kauai is the smallest of the Hawaii islands and there is a road that goes about 2/3 of the way around. Our mission was to see Waimea Canyon, the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. It was a curvy, steep long climb to the top, in the car, but the views were amazing! It was chilly and windy, but worth the drive. On the way down, we stopped at a little shack Kyle had read about, The Shrimp Shack. It was great…I think the guys could have eaten two plates of shrimp. The trip back to our side of the island included a stop at Spouting Horn, through the tree tunnel and then home to the pool. Spouting horn is volcanic rock in the water where the waves come in and the force shoots the water up through a whole. There is some crazy story about a dragon and his enemies or something, but it is just volcanic rock and water….! The tree tunnel was a total bust, disappointing…no need to elaborate. Andrew and Laura made 4 different pizzas and a pasta salad, yum!
Saturday was the finale….sadly. It was by far the hottest day. We did a little shopping, ice cream eating and laid by the pool with our cooler of beer. If you are ever in Hawaii, you have to try Lappert’s ice cream. It is amazing! By mid afternoon, we were getting ready to head to the airport.
It was a wonderful trip full of laughs, memories, a great birthday celebration and pictures to capture it all. Thanks Dad and Happy 60th!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Kauai Update...
We have spend a good part of each day at the beach followed by food and drinks. We are taking turns cooking dinner or going out...Last night was Marlo's night. We had dinner at JJ's Broiler a beach side spot in the center of the island. Tonight is Kelly and Dan's night to cook, chicken parm...yum!!!
Tomorrow we are headed to the very north part of the island for a 4 mile hike to a pool and waterfalls. We are up and at em' early with lunches packed, and we'll be pool side by mid-afternoon. We are also celebrating my Dad's b-day with his favorite dinner (New Mexico style enchiladas) and dessert (German Chocolate Cake), he has no idea. Until later....Aloha
Friday, April 10, 2009
Kauai vacation
The beach goers are
Dad and Marlo
Kyle and Me
Kelly and Dan
Andrew and Laura
We have lots of things planned, hiking, relaxing at the beach, surfing, eating, a sunset whale watching cruise and celebrating…..pictures to come!
For Sale
Its official, our house is on the market! This is probably the first time most of you have heard, and it has been a whirlwind three weeks of prep. About a month ago Kyle and I were throwing ideas around about house stuff and had a list of houses we wanted to see. When we crossed all of them off, “in the ghetto”, “too much work”, “bad neighborhood”…etc., we decided maybe we should get our house in order before we start looking. Of course putting a house on the market is all about timing. We had a week long vacation coming up and it would be ideal to have the house on the market while we were gone. After that thought crossed our minds, it was set….Do anything and everything to get it on the market by the time we leave.
It will be 9 years in May that I have owned our little place, and needless to say, it needed a paint job. At first we weren’t interested in doing it ourselves until I received bids…..I think we’ll do it ourselves. Thanks to a snow day caused by a spring blizzard, I started painting Friday morning. Kel came over to help and we were done by 11:00pm on Sunday night. We were exhausted. Kyle worked on the bathroom, re-caulking, sanding, patching holes in walls, etc. (I had a minor painting injury, it sounds ridiculous. I stepped down from a stool and hit my heal on the bed frame….pow, it was a dime sized hole in my heal. OUCH, I’m fine now.) A handyman was hired to fix a few items, we replaced the stove and hired a cleaning crew. **NOTE – don’t break your flat glass cook top, it is the same price as a brand new range.** Throughout the process we have been packing boxes to clear the place out. It feels like we should move into the garage because everything we really need is in there. For now, we are managing fine, but it’s not even been 24 hours.
Kyle loved this process of getting the house ready, hiring a realtor and it was a learning process for both of us. Sure I’ve purchased a place before, but I haven’t sold…..an entirely different game.
I know the next question “Where are we moving?” There are many answers to hat questions, but first and foremost, we are trying to sell our place. We will figure out the next step once we’re over the first hurdle. For now, we are on the market, attempting to keep it spick and span and headed to
Monday, April 6, 2009
Bombay Bowl
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Chicken Fried

We bought tickets and last night was so much fun. The concert was at a small, intimate theater, The Ogden. The opening band is a new act, Gloriana and they were really good, I need the CD. I, surprisingly, didn’t know anything about the Zac Brown Band outside of the one song. They were really good, a must have new CD and I can’t wait to see if they win “best new artist” at the ACMs on Sunday. They have a different tone and vibe than most of the new bands, and to quote Zac, “it’s lake music”. A perfect description