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It’s a tradition, and as usual, we had a blast. Unfortunately, Kyle missed out on the fun due to cuts. Mom and I headed up early Saturday morning and made it in time for a loop around the farmer’s market, I picked up the “family size” kettle corn and mom bought a lazy-susan for her table. I had to work on the dress for Pret-a-Porter…more on that later, and mom went to see Julie & Julia. When she got home we had a few hors d'oeuvre and waited for Kel and Dan to arrive. We immediately left for the Cantina, we never miss it, and then came home. Kel and Dan had spent the previous 24 hours painting Dan’s house, so they were exhausted.
Sunday was pretty chill, we had a list of wedding items to get taken care of and Dan went for a ride. He is training for a 206 mile ride this weekend….amazing! After hours of wedding stuff, we headed up to watch volleyball. The Motherlode beach volleyball tournament is the largest in the country and it’s a blast to watch. We’ve been for so many years that we have our favorite girl teams. We didn’t last long due to rain, so we headed home after a few shopping stops. Mom’s birthday was the end of August, so we celebrated Sunday night at Bruno’s. It is a fabulous little Italian spot, and the word seems to be getting out. Dinner was delicious and we had a laughter filled dinner.
Someone always has to carry mom
waiting at Bruno's
Celebrating mom's birthday
Monday morning we did a few more wedding things and then went in to watch volleyball. We weren’t sure when the finals were, and we got there just in time to watch the semi-finals. They were great games, and we are glad, ahem, a certain team lost! These great girls from LA moved on to the finals along with the reining champs. We ran home for a quick bite to eat with an hour in between and made it just as the girls were warming up. A great match and the end of another Labor Day weekend.
Sunday at the sand courts
The Finals