Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I'm excited, they know I'm pregnant and they still want to hire me. I start March 1st with a week of training in Milwaukee. It should be an interesting couple of months before Baby Girls arrives!
The job is an independant sales rep for a salon furnishings company. I'll be selling salon equipment and doing design work for salon owners. I is definitely out of the box of standard design, but change is good and I welcome it!
Very excited!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Baby S and Mom update
I have to say…after the last appointment where I gain 4 pounds, I must have completely let myself go! I was shocked last week at the doctor’s office when she said 6 pounds! Yikes. That means I’m up 17 pounds. It sounds like a lot of weight and I’m back on the wagon to watching my intake. Mind you…..the Dr. didn’t say a word about my weight and hasn’t been worried at all, but 17 pounds….I don’t gain 6 pounds EVER in 4 weeks. I’m trying to move past this.
We had our gestational Diabetes and iron test, both of which are fine. That orange sugar water I had to drink before the appointment was TERRIBLE! It was like drinking three thawed otter pops…remember those popsicles that came in the box of a variety of flavors? She was very active when we listened to the heartbeat and the Dr. said she must like sugar.
This is the last appointment that is 4 weeks...we are moving to three weeks after our first March appointment...that means we are getting close!
My first shower is already on the calendar and I’m very excited about it. My nearest and dearest Jaime is throwing a shower with the bunko ladies. Should be a lot of fun, and I can’t wait!
Weekly update
How far along: 24 weeks
Total weight gain: 17 pounds, I gained 6 in the last 4 weeks!!!
Maternity clothes: yes!
Sleep: better than it has been!
Best moment this week: Kelly and CC feeling Baby Girl kick
Movement: A lot, especially after I eat
Gender: Female
Labor Signs: NONE
Belly Button in or out: in, but it is getting shallow!
What I miss: a face without acne
What I am looking forward to: showers
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
January Adventures
For Kyle this was some much needed R&R and that is exactly what we did…nothing. We made dinners in, sat around watching tv and did a little shopping in town. It was chilly and windy as Estes Park usually is. There wasn’t much to take pictures of except some of the locals…

The following weekend I house/pet sat in Genesee which is about 30 minutes west of Denver, so Kyle joined me for the weekend. It is beautiful and we’d love to live in that area. We took a day trip to Summit County, did a little shopping/looking, and promptly came home as it was near blizzard conditions and much warmer down the mountain!
Last weekend was a big one! It was Winter X Games in Aspen. This was Kyle’s second year working for ESPN and its always a wild weekend. Wild is a relative term, depending on who you’re talking to…for Kyle it was wild in terms of press releases and the sheer amount of hours in five days of work…for me there are SOOOOOO many people in town it’s nuts. In the winter, Aspen is at the end of a cul-de-sac. There is one way in and the same road out. (During the summer months you can take Independence pass, but it is thankfully closed during the winter due to the amount of snow) This year they had record breaking numbers in attendance for the X Games and boy was it obvious! There were people everywhere, at all hours of the day and night. Aspen is a small town roughly 3,000 in the summer/off season and about 9,000 in the winter. So when an event like the X Games comes to town and the population goes to about 34,000…it’s crazy!
Kyle and I headed up on Tuesday night, and he began working first thing Wednesday morning. I’d drop him off about 8:00am and pick him up around 10:00pm. They were long days, but very different from life in the NFL. Our friend Kari came up on Friday and we had a great time. Friday night we bundled up and went to the Games. We watched various events, and thanks to our media passes, then hunkered down in the media tent where there was heat and warm drinks. Turns out, this is also where the press conferences were held with the Bronze, Silver and Gold medalists coming in after their event…it was the jack pot. We saw all the winners up close and personal. It was a lot of fun. We got home late 11:00 and had dinner about 11:30…oops!

Sunday arrived and the final day of X Games came with a lot of releases for Kyle. Kari left in the morning and I hung around the condo, deciding it was too much work to go up to the games. I picked him up around 8:45 and around 10:00 we met up with some friends and then to an after party. It was a lot of fun…until next year!