Monday, February 8, 2010

Baby S and Mom update

I have to say…after the last appointment where I gain 4 pounds, I must have completely let myself go! I was shocked last week at the doctor’s office when she said 6 pounds! Yikes. That means I’m up 17 pounds. It sounds like a lot of weight and I’m back on the wagon to watching my intake. Mind you…..the Dr. didn’t say a word about my weight and hasn’t been worried at all, but 17 pounds….I don’t gain 6 pounds EVER in 4 weeks. I’m trying to move past this.

We had our gestational Diabetes and iron test, both of which are fine. That orange sugar water I had to drink before the appointment was TERRIBLE! It was like drinking three thawed otter pops…remember those popsicles that came in the box of a variety of flavors? She was very active when we listened to the heartbeat and the Dr. said she must like sugar.

This is the last appointment that is 4 weeks...we are moving to three weeks after our first March appointment...that means we are getting close!

My first shower is already on the calendar and I’m very excited about it. My nearest and dearest Jaime is throwing a shower with the bunko ladies. Should be a lot of fun, and I can’t wait!

A picture is to follow…

Weekly update

How far along: 24 weeks
Total weight gain: 17 pounds,
I gained 6 in the last 4 weeks!!!
Maternity clothes: yes!
Sleep: better than it has been!

Best moment this week: Kelly and CC feeling Baby Girl kick
Movement: A lot, especially after I eat
Gender: Female
Labor Signs: NONE
Belly Button in or out: in, but it is getting shallow!
What I miss: a face without acne
What I am looking forward to: showers


MamaG said...

Don't feel bad about the weight gain. I am right there with you and I am 4 weeks behind you. It happens but I just try and eat healthy and stay active. Glad everything is going well for your pregnancy!

Jill (& Bob) said...

Um, 17 lbs is nothing...I'm close to pre-preg weight but I've lost over 40 just to give you an idea. At the end, fluid weight piled on and I hit a number I never imagined. A healthy baby is the most important -- the scale can be dealt with later!