It’s been a month I realize….and after many requests about what is going on in our life here are all your answers. You have to understand Kyle is of the thought that no one cares….apparently you all do. (Pregnancy update to come)
Mid November I found out I was getting laid off. My last day was November 13th, and I have to say while it was sad to leave and for it finally to be my turn in the world of layoffs, it was a sigh of relief! No more stress, worry about when was it my turn, pretending to look busy with really nothing to do….ah, it was over. The same day I found out a former co-worker of mine, who I had worked very closely with for 4 years, had committed suicide. I’ve never had anyone close take their life and it hit hard! I just couldn’t get it together! We were also under contract on a house and had been through the inspection process and we had to walk away. It was a rough day.
After my last day of work, I took the following two weeks for myself. It had been a long stressful ride in the last year and a half at work, so I thought it was time for me to de-stress. I had a couple massages, lunched with friends, baked for Thanksgiving and had a great time. It’s amazing how my days fill up!
Thanksgiving is my all time favorite holiday! This year the Broncos played on Thanksgiving night. To include Kyle on some eating festivities, we had a big breakfast of which Kyle decided the menu: Biscuits and Gravy, eggs, and fruit. It was awesome. Kyle left for work around noon and My mom, Kel, Dan and I made a Thanksgiving meal to eat before we left for the game. We had field passes and it was so much fun. The players were really pumped up, hoping for a win after a miserable loss, and win we did!
Friday morning we packed up and headed to Aspen, our traditional place to celebrate Thanksgiving. We did Thanksgiving all over again on Friday, it was delicious! I’m the only skier in the group and being with child that is on the list of “can’t do activities”. This is only the third season I’ve missed in my life…until next season!
December 1st was a big kick off to the job search for me. I have to admit I wasn’t motivated, and started on Dec 2nd. I’m motivated on some levels, buying a house, getting a nursery ready, having space for friends and family to visit, but the real struggle is what to do for a career? I’ve been in design for 8 years and had three layoffs. It’s such a rollercoaster ride and I’m ready for a change! What I really want to do, plan weddings for the rest of my life. But, for now that’s doesn’t bring in the money, so I’m looking for something else. The great part is that I’m really up for anything, a new adventure. As of today, I have applied to numerous jobs and am pretty excited about them. There’s a lot of crap out there right now, but I have heard and believe that as of the first of the year, there are going to be a ton of jobs opening up. Let’s hope for that!
As for the Christmas, there are going to be many celebrations this year. Christmas falls on a Friday, and Kyle will likely have a delayed schedule so we’ll be able to celebrate in the morning and then he’ll go to work. In my family, Christmas morning is when we do our celebrating with breakfast. This year we’ll have my mom’s youngest brother and family, Mom, Kel, Dan and us and maybe a few football friends. We are also celebrating with my Dad and his wife a few days before Christmas, Andrew two days before and my grandma after the New Year. It’s an unusual year, but will be fun!
That’s the latest on us…
Week 5 - My boobs have been killing me for about 4 days! Kyle calls and says he’s done some research and he thinks we need to take a test. On Wednesday September 16, 2009 at about 7:30pm we take a pregnancy test…there are two lines = pregnant. We can’t believe it and take another test, two lines = pregnant. A couple of days go by and the news is sinking in. We take a third and final test, two lines = pregnant. Its official, we’re pregnant and elated! It’s so amazing…
Week 6 - We made our first purchase, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. I’m starting to feel like some of my pants don’t fit so our second purchase, a Bella Band. My boobs are still killing me so much that I can’t even sleep on my stomach. You don’t realize how many shirts you have that are fitted until you don’t want them to be fitted. Still haven’t told anyone, waiting until after Kelly & Dan’s wedding and if we can hold out, until after our Dr. appointment on October 12th 9:00am. I’m feeling great!
Week 7 - I could swear I’m showing and can’t seem to find anything to wear that isn’t fitted. We still haven’t told anyone and we are holding out until our Doctor’s appointment…one more week. I have a vicious cold, and haven’t been feeling great. Not sure if it’s morning sickness or the cold. Feeling worse, truly a terrible feeling, it’s a nauseous feeling that comes and goes throughout the day. For now Decaf Mint Tea, Ginger Ale, sugar and citrus are doing the trick. The “I’m soooo tired” feeling is still 100% with me, I just can’t get enough sleep! The one thing I didn’t expect was the level of hunger! It’s not like I’m getting hungry and will need to eat soon, more like I’m hungry and need to eat in the next 5 minutes. I’ve had three nights this week that hungry has woken me up about 4:00am. I’ve gotten up to eat all three nights and then can’t get back to sleep, so I’m now eating a snack before bed and that is working great!
Week 8 Dr. appoint #1 went well. We were there for nearly two hours and it was amazing. We had an ultra sound to “confirm” the pregnancy and there was our tiny little Baby. We saw the heart beat which was this little flutter. Proud as a mama peacock, we told our immediate families. They were first surprised and second excited. Kel and Dan get home on Saturday and then the cat will be out of the bag to close friends. I’m feeling much better this week, still have a cold, but not feeling so nauseous. Can’t stand the thought of eating, looking at or preparing chicken.
Week 9 We kicked this week off with not sleeping well. I’m waking up around 4:00am to go to the bathroom and then can’t get back to sleep. My cold is nearly gone, thankfully. My mouth tastes like there is a battery in my throat, disgusting! No cravings, but certain food always sound good: bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, crackers…anything plain. I’m hungry all the time and kind of getting tired of eating, the hunger just doesn’t go away.
Week 10 The word is getting out that we have a bun in the oven. I’m still eating like a high school football player, but I’ve been told it gets better in the second trimester. Feeling great and starting to think about maternity clothes, still no chicken!
Week 11 I can’t believe the first trimester is nearly over. I’m getting used to the tired feeling, maybe it’s going away? My lower back has a tiny ache, which I’m sure is just the beginning.
Week 12 It’s been a great week, started with an ultrasound. Baby S moved, wiggled and bounced during the ultrasound, it was really cool! It amazes me that with all that movement I can’t feel a thing! The exhaustion is noticeably better and in the last two days I’ve noticed my hunger decreasing, thankfully! I have a little belly, more of an awkward stage “is she pregnant?”
Week 13 Graduation week to the 2nd trimester, time goes by fast when you’re counting weeks! I’m feeling like myself and not nearly as tired. My hunger is much better as I’m back to three meals with a couple of small snacks. Chicken is still repulsive! The first maternity clothes have been purchased.
It’s been nearly a month since I blogged and I’m finally getting back into the swing of things.
Four weeks ago my best friend and sister got married. The day was beautiful, relaxing and fun, filled with laughter, excitement, nerves, beginnings and dancing! A fantastic time was had by all. And now, Mr. & Mrs. Steinke have been married for one month and three days. They are working to transform Dan’s bachelor pad into their home, organizing all the gifts and writing thank you notes.
The week of Kel’s wedding I began feeling the slightest hint of a cold. The minute the wedding was over, it hit me….hard, exhausting and long! I fought it for three and a half weeks, which is the biggest reason for the absent blogger. I’m finally over it, thankfully. It was probably the worst cold I’ve ever had, and all I wanted to do was sleep.
The Bye week is one of my favorite weekends of the season because Kyle and I get to actually do something! Our annual trip to
They have a real working ranch, like nothing I’ve ever been to. There are hundreds of acres of rolling hills, cows and barn after barn of horses, indoor arenas and people. It was so much fun to see all that goes on, on a ranch. The guys went pheasant hunting two days and the ladies relaxed, shopped, rode horses, got my boots dirty and enjoyed a evening out to
On the way home we drove through the Bad Lands, the Black Hills and
A couple of weeks before BYE week, we decided to start looking for a house. After a few trips to look at some bad ones….we found one. It was a bit of a whirl wind and 24 hours after we saw it for the first time, we were under contract. We have the hurdle of the inspection to get through tomorrow. Other than that, we are over the moon about this house and I’ll post pictures as soon as we feel it’s official. We have purchased furniture, have a growing “to do” list and are ecstatic to be in a house before the holidays…that was our goal.
That’s the latest from
It’s a tradition, and as usual, we had a blast. Unfortunately, Kyle missed out on the fun due to cuts. Mom and I headed up early Saturday morning and made it in time for a loop around the farmer’s market, I picked up the “family size” kettle corn and mom bought a lazy-susan for her table. I had to work on the dress for Pret-a-Porter…more on that later, and mom went to see Julie & Julia. When she got home we had a few hors d'oeuvre and waited for Kel and Dan to arrive. We immediately left for the Cantina, we never miss it, and then came home. Kel and Dan had spent the previous 24 hours painting Dan’s house, so they were exhausted.
Sunday was pretty chill, we had a list of wedding items to get taken care of and Dan went for a ride. He is training for a 206 mile ride this weekend….amazing! After hours of wedding stuff, we headed up to watch volleyball. The Motherlode beach volleyball tournament is the largest in the country and it’s a blast to watch. We’ve been for so many years that we have our favorite girl teams. We didn’t last long due to rain, so we headed home after a few shopping stops. Mom’s birthday was the end of August, so we celebrated Sunday night at Bruno’s. It is a fabulous little Italian spot, and the word seems to be getting out. Dinner was delicious and we had a laughter filled dinner.
Someone always has to carry mom
waiting at Bruno's
Celebrating mom's birthday
Monday morning we did a few more wedding things and then went in to watch volleyball. We weren’t sure when the finals were, and we got there just in time to watch the semi-finals. They were great games, and we are glad, ahem, a certain team lost! These great girls from LA moved on to the finals along with the reining champs. We ran home for a quick bite to eat with an hour in between and made it just as the girls were warming up. A great match and the end of another Labor Day weekend.
Sunday at the sand courts
The Finals
Sunday was the first wedding event before Kelly’s big day. A family friend hosted a beautiful shower honoring Kelly. It was a great time, and Kelly looked amazing as the bride-to-be.