Today we had our first Halloween outing! We weren't the only mom's who thought it would be a great idea to go to the Children's Museum for a little Halloween event. It was packed with kids in costume. We met up with a few other mom's and Conner and Erin again.
Josie's wasn't really into it...could be that it's about 80 degrees out today and she was in a warm fleece ladybug costume, or that she hadn't had her morning nap...either way we had a good time. More to come on Sunday...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Pumpkin Patch
I love fall! The leaves are changing, for the most part we have cooler days, and it's time for pumpkins. Maybe it's that my sister's birthday is October 30 and we've always done Halloween birthdays/events, but I just love carving pumpkins, pumpkin food, drinks, etc.
Josie and I went to the pumpkin patch with a few other moms on Tuesday. It was NOT a good day to be there because we had hurricane force! I picked pumpkins and Josie enjoyed the patch from the car. Poor little girl had wind burn on her cheeks from the 10 minutes I had her out of the car to grab a few pics.
The actual carving of the pumpkins was not in the cards this year, sadly. We had a busy week with Kyle leaving for London, but our three pumpkins are proudly sitting out front. I don't have a group shot of us but I do have one of Erin and Conner and Josie and me.
While it looks like Josie is sitting up on her've been fooled! Erin so graciously kept Josie upright while I frantically tried to get pictures.
Josie and I went to the pumpkin patch with a few other moms on Tuesday. It was NOT a good day to be there because we had hurricane force! I picked pumpkins and Josie enjoyed the patch from the car. Poor little girl had wind burn on her cheeks from the 10 minutes I had her out of the car to grab a few pics.
The actual carving of the pumpkins was not in the cards this year, sadly. We had a busy week with Kyle leaving for London, but our three pumpkins are proudly sitting out front. I don't have a group shot of us but I do have one of Erin and Conner and Josie and me.
While it looks like Josie is sitting up on her've been fooled! Erin so graciously kept Josie upright while I frantically tried to get pictures.
Monday, October 25, 2010
baby socks
I get it...her little feet will freeze without them, but they are IMPOSSIBLE to keep on! I think "today is the day" they will stay on and in 10 minutes, she is minus one sock every time!! This morning I decided to put these cute little shoes on in an attempt to keep the socks on. We were doing great and then this...

I see one little foot with sock and shoe on and the I see a bare foot. I didn't even place the sock and shoe, that is exactly where I found them. Off her foot like it was a warm summer day. It's a constant battle these little socks! Beside the fact that she really needs something on her feet since it's turned to winter overnight! Tomorrow's plan: tights!
I see one little foot with sock and shoe on and the I see a bare foot. I didn't even place the sock and shoe, that is exactly where I found them. Off her foot like it was a warm summer day. It's a constant battle these little socks! Beside the fact that she really needs something on her feet since it's turned to winter overnight! Tomorrow's plan: tights!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
5 months old
Where has the time gone? Today, Sunday October 24th Josie is 5 months old!!! This also means I'm completely caught up on this blog about Josie...finally! Took me 5 months...
She is so much fun, interacting and mocking noises we make. We swear she says "hi". She is a little chatter box, can roll tummy to back and almost back to's only going to be another week before she tackles that one. She is the queen at drool, but no teeth yet. We are working on sitting up, still needing quite a bit of assistance.
Here are a few pics that I took this morning when we were playing and she was protesting a nap. Love my little pumpkin!
She is so much fun, interacting and mocking noises we make. We swear she says "hi". She is a little chatter box, can roll tummy to back and almost back to's only going to be another week before she tackles that one. She is the queen at drool, but no teeth yet. We are working on sitting up, still needing quite a bit of assistance.
Here are a few pics that I took this morning when we were playing and she was protesting a nap. Love my little pumpkin!
High Chair attempt #2
Josie is now in her third chair while joining us for dinner. First was the bouncy seat, second was the bumbo, and now, the high chair. Second time was much better than the first, although she is still so little in it...we have no choice. She has out witted us on the other two options.
20 weeks
When we have dinner at night, we've been putting Josie in the bouncy chair on the table, so she can "eat" with us. If she is sitting, all she wanted to do is lean forward, or sit up even more. My fear with this is that the bouncy seat is going to topple over and Josie will be taking her first face plant. So...the next best option is the bumbo. This works some of the time, when she is this evening!
Finding her feet
It's a big deal, to figure out that these little feet and toes are connected to your body and that they are great for chewing on! She found them, and any chance she gets, the toes on her left foot....go right into her mouth. If they are covered, she just grabs them. So cute!
19 weeks
Josie is getting so big! She loves to stand, whether that be in your lap, on the floor, holding onto something..that is how she prefers to be. We also finally opened the gift from Amber, The Exersaucer. At first, she didn't have a clue what to do, but she loves it now! It's so much fun to see her learn how to play with all the toys...and learn what things make entirely too much noise.
We've only tired a bottle one other time, and that was just to introduce it, but not since then...oops! So Kyle tired to give her a bottle and it went okay. I was in the house and she knows better than that...she wants the real thing. We were testing it out since I had theater tickets with my mom and Kel. Our "test" night didn't go so well, but my first night out without Josie over a feeding, SUCCESS!!!
Josie has learned to roll over from her tummy to her back. Some days she rolls immediately, others, she'll hand out and play on her tummy.
We've only tired a bottle one other time, and that was just to introduce it, but not since then...oops! So Kyle tired to give her a bottle and it went okay. I was in the house and she knows better than that...she wants the real thing. We were testing it out since I had theater tickets with my mom and Kel. Our "test" night didn't go so well, but my first night out without Josie over a feeding, SUCCESS!!!
Josie has learned to roll over from her tummy to her back. Some days she rolls immediately, others, she'll hand out and play on her tummy.
Josie and Mom
These were taken the same night we celebrated Dan and Kel's anniversary, after both Josie and I changed into more comfortable attire.
18 weeks
Evenings are variable, some happy others...not so much. This evening...she was very happy hanging with Dad!
Happy 1st Anniversary to Dan and Kel!!!
I'm so close to getting caught up....
October 2nd 2010 was Dan and Kelly's first anniversary. We celebrated a day early at my mom's house with dinner and of course...the outfits we wore last year to their wedding. Josie was a little bun in the oven and no one by Kyle and I knew about her. Lets just dress fit much better this year!
Dan and Kel had a 4 day trip to Napa Valley to celebrate. No pics, but it sounds like they had a wonderful time! I fed Gracie, their cat, while they were gone, and what a rewarding job that was...I got a delicious bottle of wine as a thank you.
Happy Anniversary, to many more years of life together and happiness!
October 2nd 2010 was Dan and Kelly's first anniversary. We celebrated a day early at my mom's house with dinner and of course...the outfits we wore last year to their wedding. Josie was a little bun in the oven and no one by Kyle and I knew about her. Lets just dress fit much better this year!
Dan and Kel had a 4 day trip to Napa Valley to celebrate. No pics, but it sounds like they had a wonderful time! I fed Gracie, their cat, while they were gone, and what a rewarding job that was...I got a delicious bottle of wine as a thank you.
Happy Anniversary, to many more years of life together and happiness!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Aunt Lisa’s Visit and Josie’s First Bronco Game
It was a busy weekend! Aunt Lisa came to visit and we had lots of things planned. First on our list was Oktoberfest. There is a pretty big festival downtown each year and since Sonneman is German, we thought we should take part in our heritage (My married-into heritage). We had pretzels, beer, and then went to a pizza place for lunch because it sounds better than schnitzel! Ha!
Sunday Lisa, Josie and I got ready and headed out for the Bronco game. We had field passes so we had to be there an hour before the game started. Thankfully Kyle hooked us up so it was much easier with Josie. It also happened to be the second hottest Bronco game in history, and with an infant I was dying of heat. We made the most of it. Josie of course wanted to eat as soon as we cooled off in Club level. Lisa went out to the seats and sat there until she was fully immersed in the sun and decided to come in to join us. Meanwhile, Josie was now asleep and I wasn’t about to take her out to the seats where there were 55,000+ screaming fans. So we hung out inside for nearly all of the game and then headed home. I have to say…It was Josie’s first and last game until she can walk!
Monday we went down to the Castle Rock outlet shops. I had been told that there is a Carter’s outlet and man did we hit the jackpot! Josie is ready for winter. The good and bad…there is a Coach outlet. Lisa decided she couldn’t leave without a new purse and matching wallet….oh that store gets someone every time!
Tuesday was Lisa’s last day, we went to Red Robin for lunch since Lisa doesn’t have the opportunity to go there and we drove by D-Bar so she could see it. For those who watch the Food Network, that is Keagan Gerhardt’s Restaurant.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
High Chair attempt
Josie loves to sit up, with assistance of course. We normally put her in the bouncy seat on the table when we're eating. She sits up so far in it now, I'm afraid her strength is going to topple the chair right over. So, we decided to give the high chair a try...
Ha! She's just not big enough yet. We had her all strapped in because she would have slid right out. She can barely see over the try and the seat was on it's highest setting. I think we have a while longer before we get to take advantage of this piece of furniture!
Ha! She's just not big enough yet. We had her all strapped in because she would have slid right out. She can barely see over the try and the seat was on it's highest setting. I think we have a while longer before we get to take advantage of this piece of furniture!
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