Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The waiting game...

I thought by now we'd be a family of 4.  Much to my surprise, and everyone else's, Baby girl #2 has NOT made an appearance.  I've been so ready, freezer full of food, house cleaned, laundry folded and put away, nursery done, bassinet ready, hospital bags packed....and still no baby.  My in-laws have been here for 10 days as of today...just hanging out, doing house projects and playing with Josie.  Everyone is on the edge of their seat...How are you feeling?  Any contractions?  Nothing folks, I've got nothin'!!!  Sunday night I had false labor, completely disappointing.  She's clearly not ready, but everyone else is!  

We had a non-stress test today and she is doing just fine....another one on Friday and will be induced on Monday.  She can arrive on her own or Monday July 30th it is.  I have a max of 6 more days of being pregnant with this little one.  So anxious to meet her, maybe she'll be a laid back little one?!  Until baby arrives....

Friday, July 20, 2012

Kelsey and Nathan’s Wedding

This was a big weekend for all of us.  When my cousin Kelsey got engaged, she asked Josie to be the flower girl, of course we said yes.  At the time I wasn’t pregnant, so come Christmas when we told the extended family that I was pregnant, I also had to tell Kelsey that Kyle and I wouldn’t be at her wedding but Josie could still be the flower girl.  I thought it would be no big deal, send her with my family for the weekend…..But as June 21st got closer, I had different thoughts about sending my little 2 year old for a weekend away without either parent.  What the HELL was I thinking? 

I had her little suitcase so organize, all the clothes for each day in bags, so my Mom/Sister/Aunt/Grandma would know what she was wearing, shoes, bows, snacks, distractions, music…everything I could possibly think of to make their weekend easier.  The day of, I was a wreck, I mean from the minute I got up!  I had called the airline to see if I could get a gate pass and they said it would be no problem, to get it when I check Josie in.  So I knew I would see her off until the very last second. 

My Mom, Josie and I are at the counter checking her in and I ask the agent for a gate pass.  She said, “Oh no problem, let me get so-and-so to get that for you”.  So this nice lady comes over and says, “We only give gate passes to people traveling with seniors that need assistance”.  I LOST IT, full on tears, couldn’t speak….a scene to say the least.  My mom tells her the situation and thankfully the lady gave me a pass, but it didn’t help the fact that I already couldn’t compose myself and she made it 100 times worse.  Moving on…I got the pass and we were off through security and to the gate.  We picked up some lunch that Josie could eat on the place and then it was time to board.  They boarded early and again I was a mess…could cry as I type, just remembering the day.  I said goodbye to my baby girl and down the ramp they went. 

The weekend went well, Josie was a little angel, walked down the isle and danced the night away.  She made friends with Kelsey’s bridesmaids and took a special liking to one named Brit.

The first night she was gone, I slept terribly…it was just so quiet at home.  The second night was better and by Saturday I was just counting down the hours until 2:41pm on Sunday when the plane was scheduled to land.  I met them at baggage claim and Josie came running, oh I was so glad to see her.  I think my family was pretty exhausted. 

The repercussions of sending your two year old off for 4 days and 3 nights of off schedule living…she slept and ate for two and a half days upon her return.  I was so happy to have our family under one roof again. 

Congrats to Kelsey and Nathan!!!
Sitting in the make-up chair, waiting for her turn
Rehearsal dinner with Aunt Karen and Grammy
walking down the isle to Aunt Kelly
Being announced at the reception, assisted by Aunt Karen
Kelsey and Josie
She clearly has no idea what's happening...
Hanging with Grammy

Doing the chicken dance, to whatever song is playing
clap, clap, clap!
The beautiful couple

Visit from Aunt Lisa and “Ankle” Brian

Lisa and her fiancé Brian came for a visit and we had a great time.  Of course Josie had a great time with them playing and showing off all her tricks.  Brian hadn’t been to Denver, so we showed him around…local restaurants we love, Coors brewery, the mountains, Breckenridge and the alpine slide, Boulder, shopping at the outlets, and Red Rocks.  We ran around for 5 full days and honestly I was exhausted, but had a great time. 

Kyle took Josie up the chairlift to take her down the alpine slide.  I was a nervous wreck about the chairlift part.  No seat belt, potentially a deadly fall, how in the world was he going to keep our little wiggle worm in his arms.  Needless to say they arrived at the bottom of the hill safe and sound and she had such a great time.  It was also Father's day, so it was a big weekend!

Sadly Lisa and Brian had to go home, but we get to see them again in less than two months at their wedding Labor day weekend!

Happy Father's Day!
Coming down the slide, she kept saying "faster Dada"

intently listening to the tour at Coors Brewery...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

2 years old!!!!

This is so very over due, but we had a great celebration for Josie’s 2nd birthday.  I still can’t believe we officially have a toddler, and I thought life was fast before kids.  Ha!  We had a little birthday the three of us and Uncle Walt on her actual birthday and after the first candle blowout and ice cream eating, she said “again”, so we did it all over again.  Even a second helping of ice cream….I mean, it is her birthday, of course another helping is appropriate

The weekend after her birthday was Memorial Day weekend and the three of us headed to Aspen for our last trip before baby arrives.  We had a great time, playing in the park and river, morning walks along the Rio Grande Trail and enjoying some family time.  On Friday night she started saying “Josie do it” and Saturday she wanted to eat corn on the cob, on the cob. (I had been cutting it off for her).  She had no idea it was her birthday and that she was now two years old, but it certainly seemed like she changed into a little two year old over night!  Kyle loves her independence, I’m getting used to it:) I know I’ll love it soon, we just can’t do anything quickly when “Josie do it”.

The following weekend we had a small celebration with family and friends.  It was so much fun to have kids Josie plays with over for a little party.  It was a simple BBQ, sprinkler action that was a huge hit and of course cake and ice cream.  She LOVES Sesame Street and specifically Elmo so it was an Elmo party.  I love parties, but I tired not to go overboard especially since she really had no idea what it was all about.  I figure I have years of parties to plan.  We all had a great time and took naps that afternoon.  WARNING: lots of pictures!
First helping...not quite sure what to do with the candles.

Second helping...she gets it now!
Dig in!

So very happy...Alphabet Elmo from Grandpa Tom

walking in the river, in ICE COLD WATER!
ready to go!

corn on the cob...

waiting for the bus

at the park


Friday, July 6, 2012

Sprinklers, water, splashing...and mud!

This girl is obsessed with water.  She loves to play in the little sprinkler out back, splash in the water in front of the grocery store after they water the flowers or have a cup of ice and water out back.  It’s pure enjoyment.  And when water is mixed with dirt….ooohhh, we have ourselves mud and that is even better than water.  
Just a little morning mud mask

"Do you want some Mama?"
Just testing it out

we're down one article of clothing, the dress...
Not getting too close

Down a second article...the bloomers

leaving her tracks

Thursday, July 5, 2012


It was my last hurrah before we begin life with two kiddos.  I had the honor of being the guest of my bestie Amber on a trip she was awarded through work.  All expenses paid luxurious trip to the Ritz in Jamaica…wonderful, relaxing and filled with quality time.  It was hard to be away from Josie, but with facetime it was easy to keep in touch.  Five days of sun, pool, wonderful food, meeting new people, floating the Martha Brae, shopping and time spent with Amber, it was an incredible trip and I’m forever thankful!  The pictures are self-explanatory.  

on a catamaran with some of my new friends, and Amber
just another day at the pool.  The water bean bags were awesome!
Amber and me, sunset on the catamaran
floating the Martha Brae River

lunch on the water after a morning of shopping
my new friends,sisters Millie and Courtenay

Our float guide, we're behind him on this 30" bamboo raft
Amber trying her hand at guiding the raft