Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Jim Carder Memorial Golf Tournament

I can’t believe it’s been 9 years since my Papa passed away!  Nonetheless, the 9th annual tourney was held a couple of weeks ago.  As our group gets smaller and younger we continue to have a good turnout albeit golf players and those who meet up after for drinks and celebration.   

Davie, the grandson of a very good friend of Papa’s, Mr. Yamamoto, continues to beat everyone.  With his awesome golf game three other people won too by default since this is a team tourney.  Until next year!

Uncle Steve handing out awards, along with Josie
A table of golfers, walkers and happy hourers
Aside from Kyle and Jack in the front, the back table joined us for happy hour
Golfers, Papa's friends and Davie...the champ
Josie making friends!
The golfers

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