Sunday, December 28, 2008
It's the OFF-SEASON!!!
Selfishly, I am very excited it’s over. I don't really know that much about football, but what I do know is that tonight is the last night my wonderful husband will have to work 60 hour weeks, deal with last minute "to do's" on Friday afternoon, work 7 days a week, and come home at 4:00, 5:00 or 6:00am after a game. By the end of December, it has been a long 6 months, so ending in the regular season is fine. It's not what we want, but this is just another year to improve upon.
So, to all the wives, girlfriends, kids and parents of footballs players, congrats!!!! It's the off-season!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Big Birthdays!!!

In other big news, Caroline turned 16 and got her license yesterday. She called to tell me she had passed her test, and was on cloud nine. She wants to meet up for coffee in the next couple of weeks. I can remember how liberating it was when I got my license. The Cramers are in for a whole new world!
Happy birthday to Caroline and Haylei, both Christmas babies!!!
Our Savior is born today
Many people have asked me what we were going to do for Christmas...."it’s your first Christmas as a married couple." I honestly hadn't thought much about it. Well, other people did, and it was a very emotional day. Mom Randy and Dad Frank sent gifts that were VERY sentimental. We all got chocked up a few times while opening gifts from them. Truly wonderful gifts that you can't buy at a store. It was awesome. Needless to say this was the beginning of what made the day so emotional, and then Kyle having to go to work.
After he left, Kel, Andrew and I headed down to my dad's house to celebrate. It was nice we had an early dinner with Dad and Marlo and gang.
Since we were eating early at Dad's house, and Kyle wouldn't have a Christmas dinner, I was going to start our own Christmas dinner tradition. I made New Mexico enchiladas. It is something we learned from Ganny, my Dad's mom, and absolutely love. This would be our tradition on Christmas night. It was still a little emotional, but we had a wonderful time the two of us. I made enchiladas and we watched a movie. Glory to God!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Tea
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Jersey Boys

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Hustle and Bustle!
Not far from the theater Kyle was enjoying an Av's game. He got tickets from a friend and Andrew and two of his friends came down for the game. It sounds like they had a great time.
Saturday morning we were up and running. I had a full day of things to do and Kyle was off to North Carolina for the game. Saturday night I had my company holiday party, it was nice. I don't think I enjoyed it as much with out Kyle there, but that is life.
Sunday we had a baking day over at Mom's house. We had about 10 items on the list and believe it or not, got them all done in about 4 hours. It was a lot of fun. I ran home to get ready for holiday open house and another party that night. They were both fun, although I was so tired by the time I got home at 9:30pm. I had a cookie exchange at work the next morning, so I began my biscotti baking at 9:30....and went to bed WAY after my bedtime!
This is another busy week, with something almost nightly. Yeah for the holidays!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Zoo Lights
It is amazing what design firms come up with.....I guess that is the mind of a designer. Truly amazing. The rules are simple, all of the ingredients must be etible. There were about 25 houses and lot of creativity! I completely forgot to take a picture so that will have to come in a few days.

Monday, December 8, 2008
A LONG drive home
Friday, Mom, Kel and I headed up to Aspen. It was an easy drive, no traffic or weather conditions to deal with. Once there, it didn't stop snowing. Such a beautiful site to see. It has been so warm around here that it didn't really feel like the holidays yet, but with three days of snow, it finally felt like winter. We didn't do much, played cards, ate, drank, and watched movies. We decided to get going early on Sunday, as we all had things we wanted to accomplish at home. We took off at noon, and I arrived home at midnight!!!!! YES, this is winter in Colorado. The holdup started at Vail, and cleared about 25 minutes outside of Denver. The highway was closed for a number of hours, and thanks to Erin, Tom and Patty, we parked at their place in Frisco while we waited. Thank you again Hoffmans!!!! We enjoyed a few more hours of card playing, and when the highway opened, "back on the road again.....". It was a long exhausting 11 hour drive, record time for us!
As usual, we have been busy with various events that the holidays bring. The next two weeks are very busy with fun events....zoo lights, The Nutcracker, Jersey boys, and Christmas Tea. I'll write more as they unfold!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It is heartening that the original celebration is nearly the same of which we celebrate today. "The very first Thanksgiving celebration, was in keeping with a long tradition of celebrating the harvest and giving thanks for a successful bounty of crops." Isn't that what we do today? We have added some American flair, sure, but we get together to celebrate and give thanks for food. There are food drives, people open their houses to share their food with those who may not have the means for a warm meal. We celebrate with food with others and give thanks.
For many years, at the dinner table, someone reads a prayer my mom cut out of the newspaper years ago. Throughout the meal , we go around the table and say what we are thankful for. Some times it is hard to think of things, other times, I have so much to rattle off my thanks. This is one of those years.
I am thankful for.....
- Kyle, my wonderful husband who I love more every day
- Family and living so close to be apart of big and small events in each other lives
- Friends
- A warm place to live
- Ice cream
- Good health
- A job!!!
- Optimism, in this state of economic unknown

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Chicago in November
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Happy and Sad news
Erin found out yesterday that a friend had died, very unexpectedly. They knew each other through church, and in her words, "he was a man of God." Prayers and thoughts go out to his family and friends.
And lastly, very sad news about close friends in Nashville. Beth and Bryan are in our thoughts as they deal with a very sad situation. I can't imagine what they are going through. It is hard sometime to feel like you are a good friend when you feel so helpless. They are in our prayers!!
I guess this is a good time to express how blessed we are with wonderful family and friends.
Backtracking a few weeks to Halloween, post Nashville. We were both exhausted upon our return to run into a busy week.
Tuesday we carved pumpkins, something I love to do. I get out all the tools, and stencils, carve all the slimy stuff out, and then bake pumpkin seeds. We always did a lot of Halloween stuff mainly because Kelly's birthday is the day before. Call me a kid, but I just love carving pumpkins.
Wednesday we celebrated Kelly's 28th b-day at mom's house. It was a delicious dinner prepared by mom, laughter and family. Andrew even came down from the Fort!!! We all had such a great time.
Thursday we had a quick happy hour birthday celebration at the new location of The Tavern at Wash Park, and then went to Maddie's play at school. She has always wanted to be a star, and my goodness she proved herself! Her lines weren't easy, and she rattled them off like she was having a conversation. We headed to the Cramers for a little wine and cheese afterward. They have recently moved into a goregous new house, and it was the first time we had seen it. I can't believe the little girls that I started nannying nearly ten years ago are so big! Caroline is getting her license in a month, Maddies is 13 but looks 21, and Juliet is becoming a little lady!
Friday was Halloween. I went to the DU hockey game with my friend Peggy. College hockey is great!!! They played CC, their biggest rival, in state and maybe overall. We had a nice time chatting through the game and cheering upon a score. Kyle meanwhile was at home handing out candy. Funny to think of that. Someone wasked me, "Is that what marrieage is like?"
The following weekend was a home game. Mom and I enjoyed the game in the 78 degree November 2nd day! It was abnormally warm, but nice. This past week we played on Thursday night which means.......we had another weekend free of football games. Friday we packed up and went to Aspen. It was beautiful. It was pretty quite, as shops and restaurant are often closed for a short period before the "storm" of ski season. We got our Aspen ski passes, and picked up, unexpectantly, a few needed item for Kyle's big ski season. He is diving in and re-learning to ski this year. I am VERY excited about this!!! It is about the only sport do, and REALLY enjoy. I hope he loves it as much as I do, so when little ones are around it will turn into a family activity.
This week has been pretty quite. Kyle is headed to Atlanta for the Bronco game, and Kelly and I are headed to Chicago to visit Erin. I'm very excited. This has turned into a year fall/winter trip to see Erin. She is in a new apartment in the city and I can't wait to see it. I know we'll have a great weekend, and may the Broncos pull out another win!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
6 week of craziness

We attempted Pirates....It was easy

The Animal cool!

It was a little quite for a couple of weeks, although work for me has REALLY picked up. I am on a new project and although I am thankful to have a job, it is really frusterating. A few weekends ago we spent a couple of nights with Kyle's intern's parents. They took us to The Oceanaire. It was a wonderful dinner and they invited us to join them after the game the following night. They are very generous people! We also went up to Estes Park to see the changing leaves and all the Elk. It was so much fun, and Kyle took some great pictures!

The Buck and his ladies

Awesome fall colors!
This past weekend was BYE week! YEAH!!!!! We made our annual trek to Nashville arriving Wednesday night and not stopping to breath until we left Sunday night. We had such a great time, seeing everyone in Nashville as well as a whole bunch of people that came in from Louisville. It is always my favorite fall trip, filled with laughter, drinking, eating, a little sleep, playing rock band, and watching everyone's lives progress. Thank you....Andy, Melissa, Mark, Lisa, Preston, Rich, Penny, Eddie, Keith, Mandy, Laurel, Steve, Taylor and Jaclyn for making our trip awesome!
Like I mentioned, life is finally quieting down, so I promise to blog more frequently. I will also post pictures from Nashville in the next few days.
On a Broncos note....lets hope the BYE week was a nice rest so we can get back on track!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Season Opener 2-0!!!

We kicked off the weekend with a chilly night at the Rockies game. My rep and friend Kenley and his wife Emily invited us to go to the game with them. We grabbed dinner at Falling Rock and then headed to the game. Kenley keeps the drinks coming and sadly, it kept me warm. It was a fun night as baseball comes to an end. They are leaving for an African Safari in a couple of weeks. We can't wait to hear about it and see their pictures. I think we're going to switch itineraries with them...they want to do our honeymoon trip!
Saturday seemed somewhat normal, running errands, goofing it wasn't the middle of the season. Jaime's big 31 is tomorrow, so we celebrated Saturday night. Andrew had a bunch of friends over for a party. We grilled out, grilling season is almost over, played games, watched football and SNL. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAIME!!!!
I am off to Orlando with Amber tomorrow morning. She invited me to be her guest on a trip she won at work. I am so excited! We are spending 5 days at Disney, playing at the parks and laying pool side! After her recent accident, we are taking it slow. No matter what transportation it is...crutches, rolly thing or wheelchair, we are going to play like kids! It is more like Deja vu being at Disney with someone in a wheelchair....last time it was me after running the Disney marathon. Another thanks to Kel for pushing me around for two days!
I will sadly leave Kyle home on a home weekend. Here's to another W!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008
Brew at the zoo and random Saturday
We had a great weekend that started with Brew at the Zoo on Friday night. It was a collection of 40 breweries and a variety of restaurants that all had small tasting of food, long lines and literally a tasting of beer. Some poured more than others, but over all we never got a full glass.
The guest list included Kyle, Kelly Dan and me, and 10,000 other rednecks from
We grabbed a drink after we left contemplating the evening, here are the results:
Kelly - LOVED IT, would do it again next year.
Kyle, Dan and Megan - NEVER WANT TO GO AGAIN!
So, I understand it was a fundraiser and all, but there were entirely too many people for the space, lines were too long for a small bite of food, beer pours were minuscule, and not nearly enough "Port-O-Johns". We had a great time with Dan and Kel, but I don't think we'll be attending the 12th annual.
Saturday started off lazy, not having a plan for the day. We wanted to do something, just hadn't come up with exactly what. After all, Kyle was at home on an away much pressure to do something. Finally, the light turned on and we got tickets to the CU game in
The Broncos have their season opener in
Awesome seats!!!
What can I say...I'm a native!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
End of Summer.....
Friday evening we made pizzas and had drinks around the house. No surprise, the boys went through quite a few beers! Saturday morning Andrew had us moving to get to Devil's Punch Bowl...See pictures below. It is a natural deep pool of water in the river. The rocks are about 40 feet up and you have the excitement of jumping off, but more importantly, into ICE COLD MOUNTAIN RUN OFF......aka, freezing cold water. It paralyzes your muscles as you scramble to get out. We all went to watch Dan, Andrew and Boss jump into the water. Andrew, per his usual, thought he was an Olympic athlete by doing tricks off the rocks into the water. Mom, Kel and I were all nervous. I guess Mom and me more than anything. The rest of the day was lazy. We watched the girl’s volleyball tournament.
Sunday was Mom's 52nd b-day, so we celebrated Saturday night. Our staple is margaritas, chips and salsa at The Cantina. We started there, made a stop at Zane's a little Irish bar where we had a few car bombs while mom sobered up and then headed to The Double Dog Tavern. Its was also 24 hours before Boss turned 21, so we all have a final shot, in which Mom joined us. The last stop of the evening was at Cooper Street, where Beck joined us. It's a local dive bar, cash only I might add, that will definitely bring your night to a close. Mom left, followed by Kelly, Dan and me. The boys left not long after that. Sunday morning proved to be the most difficult on waking up and feeling okay. A few, to remain unnamed, were hung over. It was a really fun night!
I took the boys up to Devil's Punch Bowl to do more cliff jumping into "hot springs". At breakfast, Andrew told Beck, who had not been there the day before; that you jump into hot springs and the water is warm......needless to say, he was shocked when he jumped into ice cold water. It was pretty funny! We returned home, they left to get back to Ft. Collins and then there was quiet! Mom and I went up town to watch volleyball and Kel and Dan joined us later. We were surprised to have our cousin Jen show up to watch with us.